Vätterns wooden town
west Vättern
Those of us who live in Hjo often say that there is something special about our little wooden town. Some people claim it’s the shifting colours of Lake Vättern, others credit the beautiful wooden town setting, and some are convinced it’s the charming small-town life. Regardless, we all have one thing in common: we love Hjo. Are you prepared to say “I love Hjo”?

Four must-do’s in Hjo
The wooden town of Hjo
– a cultural heritage
Discover the Europe Nostra-awarded, 600-year old wooden town of Hjo. With a modern city plan design that originates from the Middle Ages and its well-preserved wooden centre with 18th, 19th, and 20th century settings, Hjo is a unique Swedish wooden town. While you’re here, you can also visit the old spa resort setting from the late 19th century in Hjo City Park.
Learn more about the wooden town and the park here

Trafik the Steamer – a floating working life museum
Take a steamboat tour on Lake Vättern with Trafik, one of Sweden’s best preserved steamboats from 1892 and still going strong. All tours depart from Hjo Harbour, and during the summer, most of them go to Visingsö Island. Trafik also makes a couple of trips to Vadstena and Hästholmen. In addition, Trafik offers short music cruises and day tours on the lake.

hjoån river valley –
a nature reserve in the middle of town
For nearly a thousand years, Hjoån River and its valley have played an important role in the town’s development.
Initially, as an anchorage point and harbour, more recently, as a place of industrial manufacturing, and today, as a nature reserve and recreational area with easy hiking trails. A hike along Hjoån River is thus a hike through the history of Hjo.

a visit to the Kulturkvarteret exhibitions
Kulturkvarteret is a vibrant neighbourhood, open all year round. Here you find exhibits, tourist information, and the library – all under one roof. Walking around the exhibitions, you can learn about the history of Hjo, the wooden town, and the spa resort period in the late 19th century, read about Estrid Ericson, the founder of Firma Svenskt Tenn, and discover contemporary crafts, art, photography, and design.

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Visit Hjo Turistinformation, Bangatan 1